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Laser Shaft Alignment

Transvibrom offers laser alignment services that are fast and extremely accurate.
Using laser alignment systems, our technicians provide a comprehensive shaft alignment measurement
service for your rotating assets. Whether you have complex drive trains, vertical machines, or any number
of simple pump and motor sets to align, in standard or hazardous environments, Transvibrom can provide
a cost effective, professional service for your company.
The laser alignment systems utilised by Transvibrom are calibrated to applicable standards which enable
both accurate and repeatable measurements.

Detailed reports are provided that clearly show, both graphically and numerically, the original and final
alignment condition of the drive train components. Plant reliability starts with accurate alignment.

When misaligned, the loading of the drive components dramatically increases due to the rotational reaction forces.
This increased loading can lead to:

• Premature bearing and seal failures
• Advanced coupling and shaft wear
• High bearing temperatures
• Lubrication problems
• Excessive vibration
• Damage to component mountings
• Increased power consumption

Reports are delivered promptly so identified problems can be actioned prior to costly failures.
Need help or advice regarding Laser Alignment services?
Call us on 603 – 5166 4431 or email : info@transvibrom.com